Author: Furkan Karacan

  • Asynchronous Programming in JavaScript – Callbacks, Promises, & Async/Await Examples

    Asynchronous programming in JavaScript is crucial for tasks with variable completion times. While callbacks were traditionally used, Promises and async/await now offer more elegant solutions. Promises provide better readability and error handling, while async/await makes code appear synchronous for improved maintainability. Understanding these techniques is essential for efficient JavaScript coding.

  • Parsing JSON in C#

    JSON is commonly used in C# for data interchange. The Newtonsoft.Json library offers a simple API for parsing JSON data into C# objects. Alternatively, System.Text.Json in .NET Core 3.0 provides built-in support. Choose the method that suits your project’s needs for robust JSON parsing in C#.

  • Formatting DateTime in C#

    This post delves into C# programming’s DateTime formatting tools, including ToString() method, String.Format(), culture-specific formatting, and composite formatting. Whether preferring simplicity, flexibility, or multi-culture support, C# offers diverse options for formatting dates and times. The exploration encourages experimentation to find the optimal approach for specific requirements.

  • C# Formatted String

    In C#, strings can be formatted using String.Format method or interpolated strings. The former uses placeholders like {0} and {1}, while the latter directly embeds variables using the $ symbol. Both methods allow for dynamic string creation and are useful in different scenarios.

  • Understanding Azure Function NCRONTAB Expressions

    Azure Functions offer a serverless compute service for on-demand code execution without managing infrastructure. Key to this is scheduling with NCRONTAB expressions, specifying minute, hour, day, month, and day of the week. Examples show triggering functions every hour, at specific times, and on specific dates. Mastery enables automated business-specific functions.

  • JavaScript: How to Add to an Array

    JavaScript arrays offer various methods for adding elements. The push() method adds elements to the end, while unshift() adds to the beginning. The concat() method creates a new array, retaining the original. Additionally, the spread operator (…) can add elements by expanding iterables. These techniques provide flexibility for efficient array…

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